VISCOSITY | 200-500 |
MFFT | >0 |
PH | 7.5-8.5 |
Chemistry | X-SBR LATEX |
viscosity | 200-500 |
Solid Content | 49-50 |
PH | 7.5-8.5 |
MFFT | >0 |
Film Hardness | Soft |
Back Coating,high filler load ability excellent water resistant , dipping and back coating technic
Chemistry | X-SBR LATEX |
viscosity | 100-450 |
Solid Content | 49-50 |
PH | 7.5-8.5 |
MFFT | 20 |
Film Hardness |
high gloss paper and paper board coating , good print ability
Chemistry | X-SBR LATEX |
viscosity | 100-300 |
Solid Content | 49-50 |
PH | 7.5-8.5 |
MFFT | 68 |
Film Hardness | Hard |
heat forming textiles , excellent water resistant , dipping and back coating technic
Chemistry | X-SBR LATEX |
viscosity | 50-300 |
Solid Content | 49-50 |
PH | 6-7 |
MFFT | > 15 |
Film Hardness | medium to hard |
high filer load ability,low viscosity compounding,excellent adhesion for secondary back coating for wall to wall carpet
Chemistry | X-SBA LATEX |
viscosity | 100-500 |
Solid Content | 49-50 |
PH | 7.5-8.5 |
MFFT | >0 |
Film Hardness |
high adhesion to polyethylene and polypropylene films , tacky dry film
Chemistry | X-SBR LATEX |
viscosity | 100-400 |
Solid Content | 49-50 |
PH | 7.5-8.5 |
MFFT | 58 |
Film Hardness | Hard |
heat forming textiles , excellent water resistant , dipping and back coating technic
Chemistry | X-SBR LATEX |
viscosity | 100-400 |
Solid Content | 49-50 |
PH | 6.5-7.5 |
MFFT | >0 |
Film Hardness | soft |
good adhesion to artificial grass
Chemistry | X-SBR LATEX |
viscosity | 50-300 |
Solid Content | 49-50 |
PH | 6.5-7.5 |
MFFT | >0 |
Film Hardness | soft |
high filer load ability,highly flexible and good adhesion to fibers of artificial grass
Chemistry | X-SBR LATEX |
viscosity | 200-900 |
Solid Content | 49-50 |
PH | 7.5-8.5 |
MFFT | >0 |
Film Hardness | very Soft |
modification of anionic emulsion bitumen.crack resistance in low temperature and flow resistance in high temperature
Chemistry | X-SBR LATEX |
viscosity | 100-300 |
Solid Content | 49-50 |
PH | 7.5-8.5 |
MFFT | 45 |
Film Hardness | Hard |
dipping of non woven and back Coating of carpet
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تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية: احتفظ به في مخزن داخلي مناسب لمدة ستة أشهر على الأقل.
اللائحة (EC) رقم 1272/2008 للمجلة والمجلس الأوروبي المؤرخة 16 ديسمبر 2008 بشأن تصنيف وتوسيم وتغليف المواد والخلائط وتعديل وإلغاء التوجيهين 67/548 / EEC و 1999/45 / EC اللائحة (EC) رقم 1907/2006